10 things that destroy your skin health

10 things that destroy your skin health

At High Vibration Skincare, we believe that healthy and radiant skin goes hand in hand with a well balanced and fulfilling life. We understand that the condition of your skin is not only an external reflection of your inner well-being but also an integral part of your overall health. As we aim to empower you to make informed choices about your skincare regimen, we believe it is crucial to shed light on the factors that can wreak havoc on your skin health.

Why the Ph of your Skin Matters

Why the Ph of your Skin Matters

Did you know that the pH of your skin can determine how healthy, glowing and vibrant it is? That's because the skin's pH plays a key role in maintaining a healthy and strong lipid barrier and providing a thriving environment for your skin's microbiome and immune system. The integrity of our lipid barrier is one of the main factors in maintaining healthy, high vibrational skin. If our skin immunity is constantly being activated, our ability to create new and healthy cells becomes impaired resulting in skin issues and premature aging.

Shedding Light on Melasma: The Journey to Even-Toned Skin

Shedding Light on Melasma: The Journey to Even-Toned Skin

Ah, mid-summer! ☀️ The time when the sun kisses our skin a little more, bikinis make their annual grand appearance, and laughter echoes from every beach and backyard BBQ. But amidst all this summer glory, there's something else that might be making an unwelcome debut: pigmentation.

 While we're out soaking in the rays and fun filled days, our skin sometimes decides to bring its own party favors in the form of melasma and sunspots. But fear not! I've got some illuminating insights on this topic, just for you.  Together, let's make sure your summer is all about clear skies …..and clearer skin!

You're NEVER too old to start

You're NEVER too old to start

Just as the sun rises every morning, introducing a fresh start, remember - you, too, are never too old to begin anew. This is a gentle reminder that the magic of starting fresh knows no age limit. After two transformative decades in the holistic skincare, I am excited to share my insights and hopefully, ignite that spark in you to start whatever it is that's been waiting in the wings of your heart.

Safeguarding Your Skin: Unveiling the Power of Sunscreen

Safeguarding Your Skin: Unveiling the Power of Sunscreen

It's hard to believe we're already midsummer and oh man is the heat on! 😅

 Sunshine is a top source of Vitamin D3 needed for balanced hormones, a strong immune system, brain, bones and teeth, as well as has energizing and uplifting effect on our soul.

 So how can we reap the benefits of these golden rays without worrying about free radical damage from UV radiation? Do we wear sunscreen or don't we? Sun protection is a subject in hot debate.. some even say sunscreen can do more harm than good! Which camp are you in?

Adverse Reactions and Skincare

Adverse Reactions and Skincare

Have you ever purchased a product and your skin just flared up? Just about when you were ready to throw it in the trash, you realize that you also changed your laundry detergent and tried that creamy pasta dish at the new hip restaurant down the street. You did have a stomach all day afterwards. Now, you aren’t so sure it actually was the product, but you’re terrified to try it again and experience those unwanted bumps and rashes all over again!!

How to weather proof your skin

How to weather proof your skin

Is your chronically skin dry? Winter months are some of the harshest climates for our skin to retain moisture due to the drop in temperature and having our heaters on constantly.   Skin can often become drier with age so moisturizing the skin is crucial to protect the strength of your skin’s outer barrier… resulting in slowing the aging process.

How to Practice Self-Care and Stay Healthy While Starting a Side Hustle

How to Practice Self-Care and Stay Healthy While Starting a Side Hustle

A side hustle can be a great way to make some extra money. That said, managing a full-time job along with obligations like taking care of family is already a lot of work. Adding a side hustle to the mix can be downright daunting. To ensure lasting success, it's essential to make time for self-care, which will ensure you don't burn out. This guide covers some affordable and efficient self care techniques.

Skin Repair and Circadian Rhythms

Skin Repair and Circadian Rhythms

The changing of seasons displays how brilliantly nature creates periods of rest and restoration to manage its energy resources. These innate cycles called circadian rhythms are natural processes that respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including humans, animals, plants, and even microbes. One example of a light-related circadian rhythm is sleeping at night and being awake during the day. I can’t help but wonder how we might be able to sync our daily habits and rituals to maximize our own cycles.

Slugging? The newest beauty trend?

Slugging? The newest beauty trend?

Have you heard of this crazy sounding skincare technique? Interestingly, the philosophy aligns with how I help my clients turn dry, flaky skin into that head turning glow that everybody envies. Dehydration, is one of the most common skin issues I see with my clients and I find it usually stems from an impaired lipid barrier. In order to rectify chronically dry skin, it’s crucial to replenish the water content INSIDE your skin cells AND the lipids comprising the OUTER cell membranes. You must address BOTH in order to adequately seal moisture into your skin,. In fact, one without the other can make the situation worse.

Pollution and Epigenetics

Pollution and Epigenetics

Have you ever heard a story of 2 twin siblings separated at birth that meet later in life and look completely different from one another? This phenomenon can be explained by epigenetics.

The genes we inherit from our parents hold the instructions for building all our body parts and contain lots of information that make us unique like hair, skin tone, body shape and eye color even predisposition to certain health issues. However, the old ideas that genes are “set in stone” or that they alone determine development have been disproven. Nature vs. Nurture is no longer a debate—it’s nearly always both! our environment and lifestyle choices can change the way genetic information is accessed and used.

Are Zombie Cells Making You Age Faster?

Are Zombie Cells Making You Age Faster?

As the warmer months approach, you may be upping your game when it comes to sun protection, but a new area of study may make you look at how you protect your skin against environmental damage.

One of the newer areas of study in terms of longevity and healthy aging are a phenomenon known as zombie cells.

One of the key areas of protecting our youthful complexion are to protect and strengthen our collagen reserves. The fibroblasts in our dermis are responsible for the production of collagen to form connective tissue and assist in wound healing of the skin.

Blue Light, Inflammation and Aging

Blue Light, Inflammation and Aging

When your skin is healthy, it’s naturally balanced on the inside and glowing on the outside.

But every day this natural balance is challenged by environmental and internal stressors. In fact, factors inherent to an urban lifestyle (pollution, stress, lack of sleep, demanding jobs, exposure to blue light, and poor diet) can lead to skin problems like pigmentation, dullness, premature aging, eczema, and acne. Let’s break it down…

Does Oxygen in Skincare Really Work?

Does Oxygen in Skincare Really Work?

In skincare, the term oxygenation is used to describe treatments that boost hydration, increase new cell growth and provide soothing benefits. Technically, however, oxidation is the interaction that occurs when substances like metals or living tissue come in contact with oxygen molecules and is eventually responsible for its rust and degradation. This is why a freshly-cut apple turns brown and certain metals left out in the elements rust or turn green. In our skin, ‘oxidative stress’ is one of the most prominent precursors of aging and something we invest heavily in trying to combat.

Combat Winter Dryness

Combat Winter Dryness

Winter is upon us and seasonal changes affect our skin, causing it to be dry and lacking luster. Harsh winter cold air prevents our skin from retaining moisture as it evaporates quickly. In order to combat winter skin blues, It’s important we feed our skin and body’s adequate nutrients, boost blood flow and sebum production and provide adequate hydration.

At the heart of a dewy complexion, is hydrated skin with adequate amounts of water and lipids. This provides a friendly environment for cells to function optimally, release toxins and deliver nutrients. When the surface of our skin has a healthy lipid barrier, it can prevent water loss and provide protection from free radical damage and environmental toxins that contribute to premature aging. In fact, a healthy lipid barrier is so important to staying hydrated that it helps prevent and greatly reduce the emergence of wrinkles, blackheads, redness and open pores.

Why the Skin Ph is So Important

Why the Skin Ph is So Important

Did you know that the pH of your skin can determine how healthy, glowing and vibrant it is? Thats because the skin's pH plays a key role in maintaining a healthy and strong lipid barrier, providing a thriving environment for your skin's microbiome and immune system.

In the health and wellness community, we are encouraged to keep our bodies alkaline to avoid chronic inflammatory conditions and disease. However, our skin should NOT be alkaline. In fact, healthy skin should have a pH of around 4.5 - 5.5. A neutral pH is 7; so anything below that is considered an ACIDIC environment and anything above it is termed ALKALINE.

Important Self-Care Habits to Adopt for Your Mental Well-Being

Important Self-Care Habits to Adopt for Your Mental Well-Being

Practicing self-care is a key to addressing mental well-being, which can also affect other areas of your life (for example, Psychreg explains dental health and depression are closely linked). Not only does proper self-care support you physiologically, but it also supports you psychologically and emotionally, as well. Try adding these healthy self-care habits to your routine as a way to support optimal mental health.

Silence, Resistance and the Power of Rituals

Silence, Resistance and the Power of Rituals

I've never completely unplugged with no access to texts, emails, Spotify, Instagram OR Netflix for more than a day. It's hard to believe I survived a Complete Urban Detox for an entire week. Aside from an emergency number provided to my family, I was all ALONE. I had some initial reservations and anxiety about detaching from work, unable to answer client communications. I did everything possible to inform clients via email, social media and auto-responders. Modern technology makes booking online a breeze so I really had no excuse other than to just do damn the thing. But I mean... Who would I be without the reassuring pings and dings telling me I am needed and important???

Bolstering Your Immune System

Bolstering Your Immune System

According to Premier Research Labs, one of my vitamin and supplement suppliers says:

“Scientists are concerned that genetically engineered bio-stressors are globally emerging within our bio-network and can burden the body and trigger atypical responses by our immune system. These bio-stressors potentially contain a genetic code designed with so-called “gain of function” properties that allow it to spread beyond usual means. Some bioinformatic experts have presented clinical evidence demonstrating the protein structure of these bio-stressors have different ways to directly and indirectly burden the immune system by means of potentially disrupting the gut ecology.